Well, HELLO!
About twenty years ago, shortly after the changing of the centuries, I made the life-altering decision to leave my job as VP of Creative Services at a well-established design firm to make a go of it on my own.
I am happy to say, these many years later, that I'm still at it, although, for some unfathomable reason, I waited until now to officially join the new century. (Well, mostly. You don't have to look any further than the accompanying photo to see that part of me steadfastly refuses to leave the last one!)
So here I am. Laying out the welcome mat to my little nest on the internet. A modest debut, I'll admit, but for someone who makes a living in visual communications, all I can say is: it's about freakin' time!
......OK. So that's not all I can say. If it were, why would I bother including a blog? Funny you should ask.
Putting this site together, aside from being a learning experience unto itself, also inspired a dive – a deep one – through all the years of work that I have done, in search of those samples that I thought worth sharing. It was like going through old family photos, with each new, unearthed treasure dredging up memories and stories.
Going back through so much of my life in design, I thought it might be fun, maybe interesting, maybe even occasionally valuable, to put some of those accompanying stories down in words and share them. And what better time, and what better place than with the launch of this web site.
I have no solid idea of how this will develop. Just going to wing it. But I can tell you that it won't be filled with instructional, how-to tips of the trade, though there might be some practical wisdom to be gleaned. And it won't be the equivalent of a graphic design advice column, either, though if there's anything to be learned from my mistakes (and triumphs!), you're welcome to it!... No, this is going to be more like a long look over my shoulder, over decades of plying my trade in the graphic and digital arts. Hopefully an entertaining one.
So welcome to my blog. Could be a roller coaster ride, so hold on to your lunch.